Friday, December 18, 2009

May 18th 2009 12:22AM "You say you know, you know, you know, but I know that you don't, you don't you don't"

I returned home from an amazing concert at the Troubadour an hour ago. I'm beat and want to go home manana but I don't want to forget the details of the night. Not necessarily a play by play... but the feeling in general. Like how when he stepped on the stage to play his first song it was so beautiful that I got goosebumps and tears welled up in my eyes. A smile spread involuntarily across my face and I could barely even sing along.
When the Goddamn Band got on stage with him it was like this breathtaking sound. The other guitarists' sounds were echoing and I would feel the drums in my chest and throat. Every time Kevin took a breath and uttered a sound into the microphone my eyes rolled back in my skull with pleasure.
He closed his eyes so often.
His body wasn't grounded by his mind; it was acting on its own accord, following the music. He swayed and his head moved in circles around the microphone. He backed away and shouted perfectly reeling back on the device. His wolf's mouth stretched open to one side and his neck craned, face red, sweat dripping, flying into the blue, green and pink lights. And when the song would come to the climax I lost most control of my body and it swayed and my neck herded my head from side to side. I sang to the ceiling. I sang to Kevin. He flew backwards with such awkward elegance. He beat his guitar to death, he trampled around from side to side, swung it in the air, stamped his foot and heaved his body up and down as if it were limp from the waist up.

I don't think I've seen something so pure in a long time.

His shirt; blue long sleeve collared button up, was soaked and only the bottom button managed to stay dry. I'll remember his small bright eyes that looked toward the ceiling, toward the back of the room, towards nobody at all. He was everything I hoped for. His voice was perfect. It was beautiful. I am so in awe. I cannot fully explain the impact of this night.

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