Saturday, July 11, 2009

Olive Rhyme: Day One

We began our very long lunch, entitled Olive Rhyme, with a rousing game of rock, paper, scissors.  If you know me well at all, you have come to realize that this is the traditional way of deciding everything.  Lindsey won and we decided to fill our "picnic" basket with many goodies which we consumed throughout the next four days. 

We stopped in Santa Barbara to try the infamous Blender's coffee drink.  The ONLY coffee drink that Spivvy will ever consume.  I decided that this is due to the fact that it tastes the least of coffee and more like a fantastic milkshake.  However, I very much enjoyed it.  I also enjoyed the Starbuck's restroom after too many hours in the car.  

Our first tag occurred here, in Monterey.  We found this spectacular spot, as well as one further south where we took some photos.  We all got splashed at some point.  I think that it was around this time that I realized my shoes were a terrible mistake for this trip.  It would prove more than true as the days went on.  

Later than night we were extremely hungry and (as always) had trouble deciding.  Shiv busted out his iphone and found us a Mexican place that was still open.  We sat down and all decided on the same meal.  Our enchiladas were incredibly garlicy.  We should have just gone with the two pitchers of Margaritas and nothing to eat.  

 We ended day one at Cole's sister's house in San Jose.  It was quite cosy.  We fell asleep in an overly creaky bed and I woke up next to Monty the Cat, who drooled on me several times.  I liked him.  

Song of the Day: I'm On a Boat by The Lonely Islands feat. T-Pain

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