So these are some fashion designs for my fictional futuristic Neue-Hippie Commune. The first one is a protective suit for acid rain.

This one is an outfit designed to protect against deadly lizards that suck blood. They can see heat so the cold water pack cools all the areas that are the warmest so that the lizards can't see them.

This outfit protects against sudden earthquakes. The claws can grasp onto the earth, and in desperate measures, the wings are used.

The hippies in Gold are Buddhists. This is a refined version of Buddhist monk robes, except sturdier and warmer to withstand high winds in the mountains of the desert.

Sudden sand storms. Shield, oxygen if they are buried, and a shovel for the same purpose.

This is protective against a virus in the air. The glowing green things pull in pure oxygen and insert it directly to the lungs.
WOW, Nicole, you are just AMAZING!!!